the Big Mac Attack

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the Big Mac Attack

Post by Macabee »

OK, here's a game with Mac (Indians) and Mac (Aztecs) vs a French and Japanese team. Gameplay isn't perfect but we did a great job countering their units. Teamwork was very good. I was strong early but Macavity was really picking up steam and was the only one of the four of us to get to fortress. It was a fun game. Enjoy and comment!

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Re: the Big Mac Attack

Post by NEO_CrAz3n »

The Big Mac Attack, gotta love it. I'll have to watch this one later.
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Re: the Big Mac Attack

Post by ZoRPrimE »

That was a big win for you guys. You really had them beat to the punch on Rush military. They built thier 2nd FB right behind the first one which didn't give them enough leway to have a good defence up. they would have been better off building 2nd rax's inbetween thier bases. I noticed you guys used team cards like they were going out of style. I may have personally skipped the medicine card. You guys kept up the moment enough from your first skirmish that they weren't able to ever get fully back on thier feet. Especially the Japanese player. The French had 43 villies but mostly spammed xbows too late for thier masses to be much benefit.

I noticed you sieged the Wonder first, maybe not the best first choice but you guys wrecked anyhow.

You guys had 5 pets each from team cards and Macabe had the ones he gathered. Macabee did a good job providing mass numerical army and Macavity brought in the more specialized troops.

One thing with the Mansabdar Siege Elephant and the Elephants with it is it only adds 4 peasly bombard damage to the other elephants so they have 44 bombard instead of 40. And it's expensive as all get out. It looks reallycool though and has lots of HP for itself. I would be queue up Sowar, Zambruka and other units that are more massable out of the Chardimarr Gate! That bonus packs more punch amongst an army of Speoy, rajputs, or Sowar,zambruka.

It was really cool to see an India Aztec team pack a good punch. Keep up the good work!
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Re: the Big Mac Attack

Post by jakinator »

Nice job guys.

Want fries with that win?
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