Well, this was quite a game

General Discussion about Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition

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Re: Well, this was quite a game

Post by Aaryn_GenD »

[quote=""canilsen""]More like, "hey don't forget about this thread".
It's really low activity on these forums, at least since I joined, so a few bumps of old threads can't really hurt.

As pointed out before, this game would be a fun VOD, so I hope you get the time some day, drew.[/quote]

yes they can, bumping old threads (without a solid reason) is frowned upon
reasking drew if he would be willing to turn this into a vod would be appropriate, though i would do it over PM, not by bumping this
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Re: Well, this was quite a game

Post by canilsen »

I can see where this is going, so I'm sorry if it looks like I'm just some new random guy bumping old threads.
It was just ment as a gesture to drew that he has VOD-fans.
Seing that it only turned into an argue with the officers, I'm sorry. I came to these forums for friendly reasons.
Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in!
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Re: Well, this was quite a game

Post by IndyBrit »

This thread was only like 20 days old when it was bumped. Remember when we had a guy come and bump like 30 threads that were over a year old? This is no big deal. We know the rules but it doesn't hurt to be reminded.

Cheer up, mates. :D
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