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Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:18 pm
by kingchrisII
If u send 4 vills first then u will be able to make ashis with the res they gather and when u go into combat those vills will be gathering, which means u be able to rebiuld faster + you will be able to keep a constant villie production
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:46 pm
by blayzer13
if you end up in a situation where u have to rebuild and your playing an agressive opponent you are skrewed cuz he will rush in on your villies. i think the ashi's are better cuz its more defensive. and as for the consulate i like using japan the most in 1v1, the unit creation increase to 10 is very handy. in addition, im one of those people who believe in all out age 2 warfare and their archers make up for yumis big time so you can get your free yumis while getting a good amount of muskets too
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:02 am
by QuadriplegicCow
The issue with the 4 villager card compared to the military is that they don't break even in value until 3 minutes later. This means that your economy will be roughly the same as if you had shipped the ash card for those 3 minutes, except with the ash card you will have 5 ash plus ones you've trained locally, whereas with 4 villager you will just have the ones trained locally. If you plan on fighting early as in most games, it'll hurt you to send the card so early.
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:48 am
by severebeating
This is a straight forward way to consider it. Thanks
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:53 am
by MrChristy
you said you can replace your diamyos with gold.
how do you do that?
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:03 am
by Blackadderthe4th
You buy them at the shogunate wonder. The cost is about 350 gold I think.
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:44 am
by huGGy
Depends on the way you are acting. If you want to make pressure early on, ship ashis. If you want to play defensively ship 2x 4vills first in age 2. In team games you should ship ashis first imo. But if you ship ashis do something with them. Go to your opponents base, look what he's doint, try to kill a villie and keep the pressure high.
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:18 am
by Navarone_Guy
Shoguns an diamyos cost 332 gold (350 but -5% cause of the wonder itself).
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:12 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
is that a ransom like with the euro explorers? (does your opponent gets the gold?)
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:41 pm
by Blackadderthe4th
No its like building any other unit, it takes time to train and no-one gets the resources.
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:00 am
by MrChristy
[quote=""Blackadderthe4th""]You buy them at the shogunate wonder. The cost is about 350 gold I think.[/quote]
Thanks for telling me that mate! 350 gold is relitivaly cheap considering their effectiveness in battle.
Also Sporting told and proved to me in a 1v1 jap mirror that aging to colonial with the golden pavillion is way more effective than tori gates, Because your units will be insanley strong, also the free baracks rickshaw you get from TG sucks because it moves and builds soooo slow.
plus this is my colonial BO 5 ashis x2
+ 20% ashigaru attack
4 vills or Diamyo
By the time I have sent dimyo and built consulate my muskets have 47 attack which makes them uncounterable by any age 2 unit.
last but not least (sorry for long post guys) do you reckon Ashigarus are due for a nerf in the winter patch?
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:25 am
by I__CHAOS__I
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:04 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
Only the upgrades not the unit itself and there should be a bonus somewhere else surely.
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:07 pm
by luukje
the game is build around rock paper scissors counter system and Japan with his stacking upgrades makes a one unit spam possible.
So Yes, a nerf, but a well thought over nerf.
Has anybody tried stacking the speed upgrades with samurai? You can get 5% with the golden pavillion and 10 with the card, so 5.2 samurai will be difficult to outmicro?
Re: Navarone_Guy's guide to Japan
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:06 pm
by BashUgood
I wouldn't say aging up with Golden Pav is all that great of idea.
Any descent player is not goin to sit around and let you collect enough wood to build your first barracks. So with that in mind this will make an early shipment of Ashi's essential for defense.
So you really are unable to send an early shipment of wood, so how would you get up your barracks early enough vs. an aggresive player ?
Besides even if a person ages with GP ,and your opponent makes units that out range Ashi's and micro's them well enough with hit & run that extra attack from GP doesn't really make much difference..
I've learned this from Harley in a Japan mirror were I aged with GP and he aged with Tori Gates... Aging with TG gave him the map control..