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A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing drew

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:15 am
by BashUgood
Well check this one out and you wont be dissappointed.

Picked this BO/strat up from a Japan mirror game I recently played vs. drew. ;) made a little adjustment from some info from zutazuta also.

Actually this is my first game since I played drew, hopefully I can continue..

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:08 am
by Aaryn_GenD
oh was this right before our game bashugood??

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:47 am
by BashUgood
yes actually it was.. this record is a good watch... :D but as you saw with our game I still need much improvement. :cry:

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:16 pm
by Zutazuta
Ok, this post is going to be pretty long. I am going to start out with some game specific things for this recorded game that you can work on, and then at the end I am going to talk a bit about the theory of the civ a bit.

For this game specifically.

1. First Villager -

You didn't get your first villager started training until 22 seconds. Japan weakness in the early game is that they are pretty slow aging. You should always aim to have your first villager training by 10 seconds, 12 at the latest.

2. Starting crate micro -

It looks like you kind of just let your villagers go at the crates without any splitting. You need to split them or else they tend to bump into each other and slow you down. What I like to do on 300 wood starts is send 3 vils to wood (one on each crate) and 3 vils to food (one on each crate). Realize that if you send 4 to food and 1 to wood, you will still get your first villager at the same time.

3. Starting Shrine/Consulate options -

In this game, you had 300 wood. You basically have 2 options with this start. You can either drop a consulate, ally ports, and chop 6 wood, leaving you with just enough wood to make one shrine, and benefit from aging up with 680 food, or you can make 2 shrines right away. What can NOT do, is do something in between. In this game you made a shrine, then saved to age and then at some random time when you had about half what you needed to age you chopped 25 wood and made a consulate, then started aging before you could even take advantage of the port consulate.

So far, all of these things have been about the start game, and what is known as start macro. By getting you start down perfectly, you can speed up Japan's age up quite a lot. On 300 wood maps when I go port cons, I rarely age up later than 4:40-4:45. On 300 wood maps where I go 2 shrines, I usually am up around 4:50-4:55. On 200 wood maps, I usually am up right on 5 minutes. This is all with only one villager on the wonder. Also realize that any food treasure you find will only speed you up. As for how many villagers you should age with, I always recommend 1. Some people like to get up a little faster, but even if this is the case, I would never do more than 3. I myself cannot remember the last time I did it with something other than 1. By getting your start macro right, you can shave probably 15 seconds off your age up time, and get to colonial in much better shape.

Back on track to the game.

4. Splitting vils in transition -

I realize that you were doing some odd start, but for standard Japan play, you need to go 6 vils on food, rest on wood. I am not quite sure what your strat was, and it seemed a bit awkward at times. I'm trying to scare you away from originality (I love doing crazy stuff myself), but at this point in your learning process you will benefit much more from playing standard play.

5. Don't get housed -

Make sure you don't house yourself! :P

6. First colonial card -

I'll talk about decks a bit later, but for now I want to stress the importance of your first card in colonial. In this game, you sent 5 ashi, which is a good card, but there is one card you need to send before it; 600 wood. Japan can't really play aggressive (at least not with Toshuga Shrine wonder). As this is the case, you should always try to get an advantage on your opponent. If you can't do this by getting a military advantage, then you should try to do so by getting an eco advantage; shipping 600 wood will help with that. This card is nearly always my first card in colonial, with a few acceptions, which I may mention later.

7. Barracks Placement -

Never put your barracks out in the open like that. If you expect him to rush (which against Aztec you should), you need to have your barracks in TC fire range. This is crucial in defending it, as TC fire 2 hit kills pikes and can buy you valuable time while you are massing/shipping units.

8. Don't stockpile resources -

Resources don't do you any good standing in the bank. Spend'em! Make units, make vils, make shrines, make more barracks so you can spend them even fast; just don't let them sit there and waste!

9. Constant vils -


Hang a poster over your bed so its the first thing you see in the morning and last thing you see at night.

10. Market -

I've said it hundreds of time, maybe even once or twice on this forum. Market is what separates players at your level. If you can make a market and get the techs, you'll find your pixels rising pretty quick (at least to a certain level).

Ok those are some of the things specific to your game, and now here are a few things that Japan players in general always need to think about.

Building placement -

This is absolutely critical for all civs, but defensive civs (i.e. Japan) it is most important. You need to know how to properly defend your resources with building walls. It's hard to teach, but when you play enough, you'll just get a good feeling for how to lay out your town. Try to keep things out of line between your TC and res, and try to keep things between you and the enemy as a general rule.

Timing -

When I speak about timing, I speak about military defense timing. There are going to be many times when you will NOT have the same military as your opponent. In the early game, you need to know how get units to pop out all at the same time to successfully defend.

Take for example, you have just shipped 5 ashi and they are 1/4 of the way here. You have a batch of ashis nearly ready to come from your barracks and the resources to call both sets of MM. What should you do. You first instinct might be hit him with 5 ashi, then get 5 more from the shipment, and as a last resort ship MM. In actuality what you need to do is to wait for the shipment to come and just as they are going to pop out, attack with your 5 and call MM all at the same time. Popping units like this can surprise your enemy and get you in a good position. Being patient and popping out units at the right time is essential to play a defensive civ like Japan.

Last thing I am going to say in this post, is know what unit to start with. Some people get the idea for some reason that you can't start cav with Japan. You need to scout him well and adjust your plan on the fly. Against Aztec, I usually prefer to start cav and mix ashi early, same goes for Russia. In other MU you need to scout what he is making and adjust from there. If you want Japan recs, just tell me; I can get them for you.

Anyways, hopefully this novel helped. Any questions or if something isn't clear, feel free to ask.

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:34 pm
by huGGy
^thanks for being around Zuta. Great Post!

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:03 pm
by LaZy
^^ Ditto

always a pleasure reading his informative posts


Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:48 pm
by gendarme
Zuta's tag pwnz imo.

Nice guide Zuta :)

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:08 am
by BashUgood
Thanks zuta...
I'm going to save that in ms word for review..

well I received some slack in a couple team games from a non clan member on how late my military units were made so my thinking was I need to get military asap..

I know my micro needs work, in a sense I'm a rook at it.. I have no concept on using hotkeys or control groups.. meaning that I'm more of a see and learn person, if I had a vod or someone beside me showing me then I know I would catch on quickly on how to implement that into my gameplay but it still a mystery...

yeah I know I have gameplay issues, I still have learning to do.. for instance I know the counter system but there are some units that I'm not familiar with and in this game vs aztecs I was clueless so I sent him a variety ashi yumi and nag...

yes I do know about splitting villes at start and entering and exiting the tc to save time from walikng, not sure if I did it this game maybe I was a little nervous since this guys winning % was about 62%

I do know about village setup.. I remember learning from Ceres629 he was great at those tactics.. but again I get so caught up in game that I'm not at an experienced level were things flow naturally.

Thank you again for all the info.. I need to adopt you as a mentor.. ;)

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:43 am
by deadhanddan
for a japan VOD , zuta upped one of himself on agesanc , sure its there still. i also have one of braidon vs an india that i could send ya via x-fire or something if you'd like

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:47 am
by Aaryn_GenD
[quote=""deadhanddan""]for a japan VOD , zuta upped one of himself on agesanc , sure its there still. i also have one of braidon vs an india that i could send ya via x-fire or something if you'd like[/quote]

the one vs braidon is outdated though, but still a nice watch

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:13 pm
by 36drew ... =ZS_Custom

Bash needs to watch out for the pike only option vs. Japan!

Re: A GG first time using strat I picked up from playing dre

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:19 am
by BashUgood
Yeah right I remember now that Zuta mentioned that vod I'm going to check it out..

@Drew your right, if I was a better player and spammed sum more yumi I would have been diggin some graves for those pikes well at least I got 91 of them .. but anyways I was out classed .. GG I appreciate it greatly when the higher level players take time to help me out. ;)