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Sc 2 Likes/Dislikes Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:43 pm
by 36drew
-Smoothness of the game. Everything just flows.
-Pace of the game -- it's fast!! One thing I have always disliked about age is that it takes so long for things to start happening.
-Battlenet 2.0. I really like the interface.
-Automatic chat interface built in. No need for skype/ventrillo.
-Graphics and animation. They just rock.
-For such a new game, the balance already seems good.
-It is built for 2 expansions!
-The amount of attention the game recieves

-No clan features yet.
-No cross realm play yet.
-Connected to WoW (which has a lot of immature players).
-Adding friends is confusing and bothersome.
-Games automatically start when they are full.
-3 races. I would like to see one more race to be honest, but not more.

What are your thoughts on SC 2 so far?

Re: Sc 2 Likes/Dislikes Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:00 am
by etrips888
Have to agree with a lot of the points on here, especially the dislike of no cross realm play.

From what I have played, I enjoyed the game, but it does take some getting used to the style and speed of everything which is a major change from what an AOE player would be used to.

Re: Sc 2 Likes/Dislikes Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:30 am
by Bart331
I really miss post game talk / flaming, i always enjoyed it to have a chat in age3 after a game analysing what went good / wrong while looking at opponents base to quickly see what he had. In sc2 its resign and auto leave :(

Re: Sc 2 Likes/Dislikes Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:03 am
by Comadevil
- Blizzard will patch the game until SC3 comes out. last patch of SC1 January 2009, Game was released 1998
- Great single player story (iam sure), WC3 was the last epic RTS story
- You can doewnload any client for any kind of computer. So i can use the english client

- Add-Ons will cost almost (or even) as much as the full game
- You are not able to sell it if u want to because the game is already registered at ur Battle.Net Account
- WC4 will only be released in minimum four years IMO because Add-ons for SC2 get released every 18 months as i have read somewhere
- I am still too bad at this game :p

Re: Sc 2 Likes/Dislikes Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:18 am
by Aaryn_GenD

-Connected to WoW (which has a lot of immature players).
-Adding friends is confusing and bothersome.


why is it connected to WoW? only because it is in bnet 2.0 too? :-)
adding friends is not confusing, we still have our identifiers like^^ not forced to use the real id thing

so, my

- stays true to its genre, not too much undesired new stuff
- the waythe graphics are made looks very appealing
- the way the games is supported and the attention it gets from the media
- finally they listen to the esports crew and the built-in observer mode is godlike, it has the same features as the awesome replay viewer.
- tons of players, and the transition from singleplayer to multioplayer is alot easier than in other games so a higher % of the overall sc2 players will play it online too
- they listen to the community and implement things they want if it seems reasonable

- bnet 2.0 is great but it needs some more stuff and prettier menues and post-game stats give too scarce of information
- they could have added a bit more stuff, they had 7 years time
- will take 1-1,5 years for the first expansion to come out