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Mods for Asian Dynasties

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:08 pm
by destz
Hi N3O, I have made some mods for TAD.

If you have suggestions for me, I can try to make them possible.

This is complete pack of following mods: (includes installer unlike separate versions) ... ileid=3313
It also includes Mod enabler, so you can switch those mods on and off as much as you like.


Livestock mod

Herdables are now more easily distinguished from their fat and non-fat form. Fat cows are now always brown.



It modifies shipment sounds, so you now hear more easily when shipment comes and arrives. So no more 2 unsent shipments.


UI mod for TAD ... ileid=3312
It combines xentelian's and Ekanta's UI mods.
I added some own things too.
I added some toggle-able buttons and statics for game. Now you can use fire pit and golden pavilion without even selecting it.
(I can change these to count any value on the game, so I'm open for suggestions)

[img width=800 height=592][/img]
[img width=800 height=452][/img]


I made optional transparent UI too, you can choose which one you want to use.
[img width=800 height=600][/img]


Hotkey mod for TAD ... ileid=3158
It makes one hotkey set work better for all nations.
Now it has also hotkey for missionaries and for mansabdar units.
It has also has new make settler hotkey, that selects all of your town centers and makes settlers from there.

It is possible to make hotkeys to find any unit or building in a game, so I'm open for suggestions.

ESO friendly Bugfixes ... ileid=3166
There are bugs in AoE3, but only some of them can be fixed to work in ESO.
Fixes that I made are more like corrections than bugfixes.

Previously following things had no sound or wrong sound:

Chinese, Japanese and Indian surgeon now got british surgeon sound. (used to have no sound)
Iroquois discovery travois now got normal travois sound. (used to have no sound)
Sufi Pilgrimage goat now got normal Goat sound. (used to have no sound)
Consulate Portuguese Ironclad now has Portugal Ironclad sound. (used to have no sound)
Silk road trading post now got normal trading post selection sound. (used to have no sound)
Russian church Kalmuck (dragoon) got now Russian Cavalry Archer sound. (used to have no sound)
Indian consulate Ottoman villagers now got Ottoman sound. (used to have Indian sound)
Native Villager shipment now has always Aztec sound. Sioux and Iroquois villagers still have their original sounds. (used to have sound corresponding to civ)

Previosly these had wrong textures.

Japanese consulate Dutch church now has correct Dutch texture. (used to have British texture)
Japanese consulate Dutch arsenal now has correct Dutch texture. (used to have Russian texture)

If you know more similar bugs, let me know and I try to fix them.

Re: Mods for Asian Dynasties

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:48 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
not bad, may i ask why you released this so late?

Re: Mods for Asian Dynasties

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 6:10 pm
by destz
Aaryn_GenD wrote: not bad, may i ask why you released this so late?
I personally started aoe3 at fall 2010. (I played aom before) I made first version of this mod last summer, because original ui sucks, ekantas ui was too different, xentelians ui had too little functions and I thought that ui is anyways missing many useful functions.
The game is dying anyway, and when masses leave, "special" things like this appears.

Re: Mods for Asian Dynasties

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:27 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
destz wrote: The game is dying anyway, and when masses leave, "special" things like this appears.
exactly, that's why i was so surprised to find this mod so late. i noticed the kalmyck sound bug too (and so did many others)