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N3O FP1.3z3k: New, Awesome features!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:02 pm
by murdilator
Due to growing popularity of this modification, I am proud to announce, with the indispensible help of Sporting_Lisbon, and the great suggestions of all people who have given criticism of the mod, that we have now added Civilization Attributes, and increased the importance of Defenses lategame.

Civilization Attributes Added

British: Livestock not tasked at a livestock pen fatten +33% faster

French: Houses -20% Cost, Forts +10% HP and Damage

Dutch: Market 5% more efficient buying/selling rates

German: +10% Berry Bush Gathering, -5% Unit Upgrade Research rate

Russia: +5% Hunting, +5% Berry Bush gathering  +5% Mill Gathering

Ottoman: Markets -50% Cost

Spanish: Villagers -10% Train Points, Archaic Unit Upgrades are Cheaper

Portugal: Warships +4.0 LOS, tentatively Early gunpowder

Iroquois: Units +4.0 LOS, +10% Mine and Plantation Gathering

Aztec: Military units -10% Train Points, +10% Mining rates

Sioux: Cavalry -10% Train Points, Corrals -25% Cost, Hunting +10% Faster, Villagers deplete huntable animals 20% slower

India: Buildings +10% Stronger

Japan: Fishing Boats and Funes -10% Cheaper, Fishing boats deplete fish 20% slower, Castles +10% HP and Damage

China: Gains a small trickle rate every age, that stacks with other trickles: 0.20 food, 0.20 wood, 0.20 coin, 0.03 Export, 0.10 XP in Discovery, +0.40 food, wood, coin +0.07 Export, 0.20 XP in Colonial (adds to the first), 0.60 food, wood, coin, +0.10 Export, +0.20 XP Fortress, +0.80 food, wood, coin, +0.10 Export, +0.30 XP in Industrial, +1.20 food, wood, coin, +0.20 export, +0.40 XP in Imperial. Also, Unit Upgrades are -10% Cheaper, Town Centers support +5 Population, and Rice Paddies gather food and coin +10% faster.


- Outposts and Castles get +1 build limit for Industrial and Imperial Ages

- Fortified Outposts and Fortified Blockhosues have 25 range

- Frontier Outpost/Blockhouse/Hill Castle techs give more HP boosts, +20% HP instead of +10%. Strong Warhut and Strong Nobles hut also give more hitpoints.

- Blockhouses have 2200 HP, 8 builder limit

- Castles have 26 range, 3000 HP, 4 build limit, 8 builder limit, 40 ranged damage, 70 siege damage

- Fortified Outpost/Fortified Blockhouse/Fortified Castle bombard attack now has a 1.25x multiplier against Infantry

- Warhut hitpoints increased to 2400, ranged attack to 40 (up from 30)

- Nobles hut range increased to 26, ranged attack to 48 (up from 35)

- Forts get +5% HP in Industrial, +10% HP in Imperial

- Wonders get +5% HP in Industrial, +10% HP in Imperial


This enhances the depth of the game, but not only this, the AI is now more intelligent. You should witness harder naval battles, more teamwork, team rushing, 2-3 walls being built, etc. Computers will be aimed towards a few Colonial Unit shipments + Villager shipments, as resource shipments are worse for them (less effective in the longer run). Also, the Natives will use their dance pit much more effectively, for the Aztecs, Spawning Warriors Priests, and for other situations, use Fertility and the Town Dance. Unfortunately I have not gotten them to use War Dance.

Basically, this new version of the patch makes it not changed from AOE3, but more akin to AOE2. Attributes, higher build limit on towers lategame, all add up to a fun matchup.

Apart from this, the Observatory Techs have experienced a small overhaul, among which are these new ones:

Removed Observatory Techs

- Fusils

- Explosive Shells

New Unique Observatory Techs

- Heavy Artillery Regiments unique for the Ottomans: gives Heavy Cannons, Great Bombards and Rockets -1 Build limit, +10% hitpoints and attack, and +1.0 Range and LOS. Still costs 400 wood, 400 coin, and is available Imperial Age.

- Battlefield Surveyors: Icon Changed, costs 200 coin, Industrial Age, and gives Spies +20.0 LOS and +25% HP.

- Conscription: gives Musketeers and Skirmishers -5% Hitpoints and Attack, -10% Train Points and -3% Cost. Pretech: Battlefield Surveyors. Available for France only.

- Modèle 1777 corrigé en l'an IX: costs 100 wood, 150 coin, and gives Musketeers +10% damage. Available for France only. Replaces Fusils for France.

- Les régiments de cavalerie française: costs 200 coin, Industrial Age, gives Hussars, Cuirassiers and Dragoons +5% Hitpoints and attack -5% Cost. Available for France only. Pretech: Scout Cavalry.

- La Grande Armeé: costs 200 wood, 200 coin, Industrial Age: Musketeers, Skirmishers and Grenadiers receive +10% Hitpoints and attack, but +5% Train Points. Pretech: Modèle 1777 corrigé en l'an IX (The Charleville Musket). 

- Infantéria de Marinas: costs 200 wood, 200 coin, Industrial Age: Musketeers, Rodeleros and Pikemen receive +10% Hitpoints and attack, and +10% damage against Native Warriors. No Pretechs. Available for Spain only.

- Coehorn Mortars: costs 200 wood, 200 coin, Industrial Age: Mortars receive +10% speed. No Pretechs. Available for Dutch only.

- Spanish Caballeros Regiments: costs 200 wood, 200 coin, and gives Hussars, Lancers and Dragoons +5% Hitpoints and attack, and +5% speed. Available for Spanish only.

- British Royal Green Jackets: costs 200 wood, 200 coin, enables Gurkha, enables Honored and Exalted Upgrades, (Disciplined auto-upgrades) and gives Gurkha Counter Infantry Rifling. Pretech: East India Company. Also Pretech now to British Tea Trade. (For Britain only;)

We plan, in accordance in the future, God willing, to make Spain more of an Archaic civiliation early on, possibly having access to Besteiros, and Portugal to Early Cassadores in place of that. People will also be happy to note that the underused units, such as Pikemen, have experienced a boost.

Unit Balance

Pikemen have 130 HP, 0.10 armor, 9 attack, 4.5x vs cavalry, 3.6x vs light infantry, 2.5 hand attack range

- Veteran Pikemen tech gives +0.10 armor

- Halberdiers have 190 HP, 0.20 armor, 2.15 hand attack range

- Azap added back into Ottoman unit row: costs 50 food, 65 coin, has 185 HP, 25 damage, 2.15 range, 2x vs cavalry, 36 siege attack.

- Infantry Breastplate no longer gives Pikemen units +0.10 armor

- Qiang Pikemen have 110 HP, 0.10 armor, 2.5 range

- Disciplined Qiang gives +0.10 armor

- Meteor Hammers have 240 HP, 29 damage, 1 splash, 37 caption

- Iron Flails have 330 HP

- Landskneckt have 4.25 speed and 2x vs cavalry, 1.6x vs light infantry (back to original attack here)

- Black Riders have 1.1x vs Infantry, 2.75x vs Cavalry, 2.25x vs Coyotemen

- Barbary Corsairs have 365 HP, 0.40 armor, cost 200 coin again, 35 damage, 1.2x vs Heavy Infantry, 1.3x vs Halberdier/Azap, 2.5x vs Cavalry, 2x vs Light Infantry

- Hackapells have 8 speed

- Strelets recieve only +0.1x bonus against ranged cavalry from Counter Rifling

- Samurai have 250 HP, 1.25 ROF

- Yumi have 105 HP

- Ashigaru have 170 HP again

- Rajputs have 170 HP, 5 speed

- Mahouts no longer have +1 area from Crushing force, but have 2.5x caption their attack (might need improving from here); now only 1.25x bonus vs Hand Cavalry

- Sowars have 245 HP, 7 speed

- Flail Elephants have 365 HP, 0.40 armor, 5.20 speed, 17 attack, 34 caption

New Capitol Techs

- Fort Wagon: sends you 1 Fort

- Naval Hospital: sends a wagon which can build a naval hospital, capable of healing your ships 5 times faster than other docks. Also trains lower level warships.

These things, adding to a midgame spice, that is currently both successful and fun, allows players to enjoy the game at all times. Rather than going through a boring boom, the Observatory takes away the boredom of Industrial Age. Extra Capitol techs means that lategame, Forts will be seen on the battlefield. Also, Ships can be used more aggressively with the Naval Hospital available, which heals ships over 5 times faster than regular docks.

Homecity Shipments

- Many Industrial Age Infantry and Cavalry Unit Shipments now also upgrade Veteran of that unit.

- A few shipments give more units (Sioux shipments mainly)

- Fort Wagon: gives +1.0 Build limit

- Imperial Age gives +1.0 Fort Build limit

- Sevastopol gives -30% Fort Build Points (because Russia can get 3 Forts again)

- Castramentation and Vauban Fortress give Forts +10% HP and damage

These underused cards will now be more useful. Since Forts will be more effective, and have higher range (28), they will outclass early artillery and in Industrial, prove to be a difficult bullwark to break when supported by 8 towers.

Castles will defeat small bands of Infantry, whereas Warhuts are now 'Sniper-outposts', capable of defeating entire raids of 15 Musketeers on their own.

Finally, regarding the Patch, not the AI:

Great Temple/Tribal Councils hut/Bug Fixes

- Greatly Improved Tribal Councils Hut and some of the techs

- Great Temple techs slightly improved

- fixed Temple of Huiztilupochtili tech; properly increases ALL resource trickles (food/wood/coin) at the Great temple

- Various small bugs fixed

- Code Napoleon gives only +10% Building cost

- Wild Geese gives Hackapells +20% HP

- Germany gets +10% Hitpoints for Jaegers, Black Riders, Landsknecht, Swiss Pikemen in Imperial Age.

The point here is perhaps specializing Mercenaries, or giving specific civilizations specific improvments for specific mercenaries. Another idea is to make a mercenary shipment also enable the unit you ship - this neglecting units like Mamelukes, Elmeti and Ronin, which are already superior.

Infintite Mercenary Shipments are currently one of the last bad things on this patch, and this ought to be addressed. Nevertheless, I hope that all of you would be willing and able, if you find the time, to have some fun at rocken old AOE3 again.

I'll be off to a gap year in couple days, might not touch patchwork for another few months. But regardless, I give you my,

Best of regards,
