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Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility?

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:34 pm
by murdilator
Well its been a while for me, but last time I chatted with Sporting_Lisbon, we had the idea of choosing a religion.

Of course, a lot of things are just interesting "wanna-be-added" facts to modifications. The most intriguing is that basically, if I can do it, you can do it to. The only thing is to get started a viola, you are there.

Now about Religions, I'm thinking primarily that they have their bonuses/ and or penalties. Its like adding features that are in civilization, and just as you have politicians that age up, so you have religions, that could work like consulate allies.

However, different than consulate allies, you would have to choose one per game, and each civilization would have the chance for, lets say, two different religions.

Now in the modding realm, the only tricky part about adding Consulate Allies, is that they are Big Buttons.

What do texture coords mean then? They mean Texture Co-ordinates, or percent to top, percent to right, percent to bottom, percent to left. Each big button has a texture coords, because the tech pictures are mounted on a large canvas, such that there are currently 6 big buttons not used, with fully ingame art files (native big buttons, like a cannon upgrade, a teepee big button, several war chief big buttons, and a Coyote Runner Big Button upgrade). In the tech tree they are called "<flag>nativedance</flag>".

From this, we can get onto religion. There is actually another resource in the game called "fame", from Age of Mythology, and tentatively it could use religion points or something like that, or it could be your colony's prestige.

Religion first of all would have to affect a different factor than that of trade, gathering rates, unit speed, etc. Ideologies, such as all-ready in-game Rule Britannia, already do such things, but for specific civilizations.

Overall, in regards to techs, it would be cool to be able to choose 1 out of 3 techs, like Slave Trade or Abolition of Slavery. The others would become unobtainable after you research one, and that tech could then introduce others. However, the system already implemented, with techs after techs, is already interesting enough.

So when we talk of a unique resource/unique religion, etc., we would have like in general:

Catholicism (Spain, Portugal, France, Germany)

Jesuit Catholicism (Spain, Portugal)

Protestantism (Germany, France, Britain)

Anglicanism** (British only)

Lutheranism (Germany)

Orthodox (Russian)

Islam (Ottoman, India)

Hinduism (India, China)

Buddism (China, Japan)

Taoism (China(?))

Confucianism (China)

Shintoism (Japan)

Secular Humanism (Imperial Age, alternative to Religion)

Enlightenment (France, Russia, Britain, Germany, India)

The Mission Fervor and State Religion techs would have their place still.

Honestly, things like Islam would give more wealth on Trade. Catholicism would give higher loyalty. Protestantism could give more freedom.

Just some ideas, but this is highly speculative, hence the way I put up everything in a unorganized manner.

Have a great day all of you!



Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:05 am
by LaZy
Hey Murdilator,

I find this whole idea quite interesting, merely from a historical perspective, not so much as implementing it into an already very rich game.

Now the topic at hand is, naturally, subjective and the specific features that you´ve given each individual religions is, at least, debatable. I reward you for having actually taken the time to look at the plethora of religions that are out there and some of its "sub religions", as is the case of that most dreadful Jesuit Catholicism.

"Honestly, things like Islam would give more wealth on Trade. Catholicism would give higher loyalty. Protestantism could give more freedom..."

I find this line exceptionally well structured with a deep sense of historic value.

The Age of Empires franchise is, amongst other things, a great way to become familiar with a lot that history would rather have us forget. For instance Ive been researching the various secret police agencies of mother Russia throughout the ages and, naturally, have come across the Oprichniki. We remember all too well that these "units" were amazing villager killers. Historically these "units" turn out to have been just that; evil villager killers. So, at the end of the day Murd, I find that if you can slot the religious factor into this game as to give it even more historic depth then Im all for it.


Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:10 am
by murdilator
Thanks LaZy, I appreciate you giving a reply, and note, I would like to keep these things in mind.

I've been off for a while, and its been really nice taking it easy :).



Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:38 pm
by jerom
making the church somewhat like the consulate would be really cool tbh.

Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:37 pm
by Sporting_Lisbon
Today I stumbled upon The War of the Triple Alliance mod's latest project and I noticed that they have already done this. From
Church completely redesigned. When playing as Europeans, Latin Americans or North Americans, you can adopt a religion and enable the redesigned priest and multiple religion-specific techs! There are 10 different religions to choose.
I'd like to check it out but to install it means that I will later have to reinstall the game fully unless you do some complicated workaround.

Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:41 pm
by P Gracias
Sporting_Lisbon wrote: Today I stumbled upon The War of the Triple Alliance mod's latest project and I noticed that they have already done this. From
Church completely redesigned. When playing as Europeans, Latin Americans or North Americans, you can adopt a religion and enable the redesigned priest and multiple religion-specific techs! There are 10 different religions to choose.
I'd like to check it out but to install it means that I will later have to reinstall the game fully unless you do some complicated workaround.
I played it, recommend it, its really nice!

Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:24 am
by jerom
I played it aswell, it was pretty funny. But horribly imba aswell haha (I srsly had skirms with 6 speed).

Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility? Catholocism, Pro

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:21 pm
by P Gracias
jerom wrote: I played it aswell, it was pretty funny. But horribly imba aswell haha (I srsly had skirms with 6 speed).
Yes, in my opinion, USA was far too strong. Most of that stuff can probably be sorted out after the delta release or something. The main thing is, the old civs are almost unchanged aside from 1 or 2 new cards. Still, the idea of implementing this with something like the FP sounds rather nice. Though I admit, sometimes I accidently lose my armies to trains when I forget to pause ^^
PS: I'm not sure about Hinduism in China, I don't think it was quite widespread there.

Re: Adding Religion in AOE3: a possibility?

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 1:42 pm
by murdilator
If we would make Big-Button techs for Europeans, that might be a bit too hard to modify. Reasons being, that the Native Americans and partially the Asians share a type of tech-tree orientation that allows only a certain 12 techs to appear at a building (6 reserved space for Big Buttons), (I think only Consulate is like this for the Asians, thus limited consulate techs and the 'Sequester' or 'End Relations' techs), whereas Europeans have 18 techs, and would almost need a building with the 'consulate.tactics' file.

However, I haven't tested giving Europeans a big button at a given building yet, but my assumptions are that a certain building would have to be modified in order for it to work.

Interesting note on Wotta. I have to check it out. I disagree with however trains killing units - and as an AI coder, this is one the main things that kills the AI units. I do have access to their site, so I will have to look a bit more deeply.

On the War of the Triple Alliance modification, Tilanus Commadore told me that they have added a Water Trade Route in one of the maps. To them, I'm a decent coder, but am more respected on my AI coding - which some but rather few people have gotten into.

I'm glad folks have put up some of their input here already. As for Wotta, they have had a long time team of coders, so I'm not surprised they got to religion first.

I have to read a bit more up on stuff, enjoy myself, and prepare for a amateur symphony concert soon. I'll be busy.