N3O AoE Trivia

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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by Blackadderthe4th »

I know the English Longbows are still present as well as the Japanese Samurai. Thats all I can remember of the top of my head.
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by KingKaramazov »

Totally forgot about the skirmisher ><

Um... the Samurai is still around, although not nearly as good as it was.

War Wagons are around but the Koreans aren't...heh.

Longbows are still in.

Jaguar Warriors are still in.

Oprichniks are sort of like Tarkans but aren't the same unit. :p

Chu Ko Nus are still in.

Janissaries are in.

Mamelukes are in --- VERY different.

War Elephant is in as a native unit.

I think that's it.
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by Sporting_Lisbon »

Conquistadors are still native units too :p But that's it. Your turn now ^^
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by KingKaramazov »

What change in an Age of Conquerors patch caused people to start using Scout Cavalry in Feudal Age battles where before they weren't used until the Castle Age (when they could be upgraded to Light Cavalry)?

Oh, and as an added bonus:

What made Teutonic Knights so awesome?
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by kingchrisII »

their cool cape things they wear??
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by Soccerman771 »

[quote=""kingchrisII""]their cool cape things they wear??[/quote]

^^ The red cape!


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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by BashUgood »

@KK's question

Ummm my guess is...

The LC speed was increased..

and the Teutonic Knights had great building attack...
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by KingKaramazov »

No, and no.

Keep in mind the second question is totally subjective to me. But the thing I'm thinking of is what made Teutonic Knights so special in comparison to most other units in the game. :D

Also, Bash, there were no "building attacks" in AoC. Every unit had one attack that it used against everything. There were 3 types of damage, IIRC, siege, hack, and pierce. Hack and siege were obviously more useful against buildings than pierce. But hack units generally did a lot more damage than pierce units. That's why melee units tend to suck in this game, and ranged units dominate! Melee units do generally LESS damage than units with a ranged attack!
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by Soccerman771 »

the Teutonic knights had the crown. This is synonomus (sp?) with your King sign-in name.

@ first question - the patch made them faster. BTW I never played it online so that is a total gues..

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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by KingKaramazov »

The patch didn't make them faster. Or, if it did, that wasn't the reason people were suddenly able to incorporate them into their Feudal armies.

While the crown and the cape are interesting guesses, they're way off the mark. I'm looking for an in-game reason. Bash was getting sort of close with his comment about how good they were against buildings.

BTW Teutonic Knights didn't have crowns, anyway, they had circular black helms with horizontal eyeslits. They did look bad-ass indeed.
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by kingchrisII »

Was it there attack being like 12, which is very high on aoc, its liek the same as the cavaliers!
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by KingKaramazov »

Actually their attack was as high as 17 when you researched the Elite upgrade, plus 4 with all the blacksmith upgrades. They had a really strong attack, although it was fairly slow, just like their movement speed. They were a lot like Dopplesoldners, although they obviously didn't have an area attack.

However, there were other units with even stronger attacks (Aztec Jaguar Warriors with +8 damage on top of their already strong attack had the highest attack of any melee unit IIRC).

It was another aspect of them that made them so cool.

And remember people you have to answer my main question right to be next! :P
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by rufio_eht »

A couple half remembered/convaluted guesses for the scouts...

They were cheaper? only food i believe

They were effective vs archers/attack increased or something?

and lastly, they had greater armor vs range i believe, so could cheaply tank archers.

As for the knights...

highest armor in the game I believe, could take on horseback knights themselves, i think they were strong against range attack too even, ultimate tanks, however slow.

not sure, but did they heal slowly on their own? that mightbe it but not quite sure, been forever.
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by KingKaramazov »

Well Rufio, you are 100% correct in regards to the Teutonic Knight. They had the most awesome armor in the game...I have memories of fully upped Teutonics fighting a castle and taking many volleys of arrows to die (castles were ridiculously strong in AoK). Fully upped Teutonic Knights could take on French Paladins 1v1...hardly any other general infantry unit could do that (even pikes died 1v1 with a Paladin, though halberds were a bit better).

Rufio, you came the closest on the first question -- a patch in AoC, I think it was 1.03c, gave scout cavalry an automatic +3-4 (I'm not sure, I can't remember) damage bonus in Feudal. Before, Scout Cavalry always did 2 damage until they were upgraded to Light Cavalry in the Castle Age. With that change suddenly people found it worthwhile to actually make Scout Cavalry in Feudal Age battles, whereas before they had been mostly useless.

Rufio's next!
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Re: N3O AoE Trivia

Post by LaZy »

LoL.....stop with the AoK and AoC questions.....u wanna go old schoold u tell me what "NS" means and what "cho war" means. By old schoold Im talking about Death match games in the ORIGINAL Age of Empires game, before things like queing vils and military units. The time where fast keys were fundamental and a good mouse made a huge impact on the game.

Wow, u got me all nostalgic again.


PS: this ol´ noob has been playing this game since it came out. And just for the record I own every single game and expansion of this franchise via collectors edition. There will never be a game as addictive or fun as the original AoE (except for donkey kong or Chucky Egg).
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